Introduction from the writer

Hi everyone! I’m the writer behind HistoFreak, a blog dedicated to exploring history. My name is Kevin Julyanus Tonie, though you can simply call me Kevin. I was born and raised in Indonesia and currently reside in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
When people ask what I do for a living, I often mention that my professional life is quite different from what I share here. Some may wonder, “Why history?” Ever since I was young, I’ve been captivated by the past. I vividly remember sitting in elementary school, absorbing historical lessons while most of my classmates seemed uninterested. For me, however, history resonated deeply.
I would spend hours in local bookstores, browsing through shelves of history books. The first topics that truly grabbed my attention were the French Revolution and a biography of Napoleon Bonaparte. Once you’re drawn into a subject you’re passionate about, it naturally leads you to explore countless other areas.
To me, history isn’t about right or wrong answers—it’s not like Math or Science, where the outcomes are fixed. As the quote below suggests…
“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity so that we can better face the future”
Robert Penn Warren, American Poet and Novelist
For those interested in historical facts and stories, you’re more than welcome to explore this blog. While it may be small for now, I hope it offers valuable insights and fresh perspectives to all its readers.